Mantissa Classification and Tasting

CHECK IN DETAILS how the classification and tasting work

In this step, we taste the result of all the work in the crop and the Yard.



Every lot is physically and sensorially analyzed by our Q-Graders (coffee classifiers and tasters classified by CQI – Coffee Quality Institute) in accordance with the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) method, in which the coffee is classified according to a scale ranging from 0 to 100.



This score grades and evaluates each of the following characteristics: Fragrance & Aroma; Taste; Finalization; Acidity; Sharpness; Balance; Uniformity; Clean cup; Sweetness; General.



In the quality laboratory of our farm, the coffees are classified and tasted following every rule of that method: Toasting ranges from #65 to #55 (SCA-Agtron System), toasting rest: 8-24 hours, water: pH preferably below 7.0; temperature: 9°C (First boiling point); concentration: 10 g per 165 ml cup.



Thus, we manage to evaluate each lot produced in our farm or by our partners. Then, we can identify and take conclusions on every process, from the crop to post-harvesting and storage.

CHECK OTHER STEPS Selected the step you with

The Planting

The planting is performed during the rain season, as the soil is moist.
Mantissa<em>The Planting</em>
One of the essential steps for guaranteeing the excellence of the coffee drink is the planting.

The Harvesting

The selective harvest consists of collecting the ripe cereja fruit, ignoring thus the green ones.
Mantissa<em> The Harvesting </em>
It is ideal that the fruit be ripe, with few green or cereja fruit, in a post-ripening phase, dry or raisin.

Drying and Processing

Peeled cereja, natural and lots of fermented coffee are some of the main processes in the farm.
Mantissa<em> Drying and Processing </em>
Our Farm Works with different post-harvesting processes in order to meet our most demanding clients' demands and the market's needs.

Classification and Tasting

Every lot is physically and sensorially analyzed by our Q-Graders (coffee classifiers and tasters classified by CQI – Coffee Quality Institute).
Mantissa<em> Classification and Tasting </em>
In this step, we taste the result of all the work in the crop and the Yard.

Storage and Commerce

With the same care and attention to details, the lots are stored in Big Bags or in jute sacks of 60 kg.
Mantissa<em> Storage and Commerce </em>
Every coffee is properly sorted by lots and tracked from the crop to the storage, with full traceability and thorough information through every step.

Contact Us

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Phone: +55 35 3715-2773
Fax: +55 35 3715-2773